Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Where it all started...

Well, as you have probably guessed my name is Rebekah Smith. I spend my childhood in Hereford, England where I attended primary and secondary school, and then moved on to college to study Childcare. After a year studying at Hereford College of Technology I realised although I enjoyed working with children, it wasn't something I wanted to spend my future doing - I wanted to do something to express my passionate, creative nature.
In December of 2011, I made the best decision of my life. I packed up my belongings and moved from Hereford, to Donaghcloney in Northern Ireland. Here I live with my grandparents +Keith Smith and +Joy Smith. My grandad Keith works for St John Ambulance and Joy is the Head of Creative Studies in Southern Regional College. They both do photography in their own time and really enjoy it!

After a few days had passed from my big move, my grandad had let me play around with one of his old cameras - Canon EOS 300D; I had never picked up a DSLR before then! I quickly developed my own passion for photography, and began photographing anything I could lay my eyes on. One of the first friends I made in NI was Joy's work colleague +Mandy McNeil - who also is very big on photography. I spent a few hours a week with her getting to know the different camera settings etc, and she always used to say 'You've got an eye for photography, Bec' - saying that, everyone said it; it just took me a lot longer to realise.

In April 2012, Myself, Joy and grandad went on safari in South Africa. We spent a few days going on game drives, and then spend another few days in a Luxury Villa; it was the best 10 days of my life. South Africa is where I captured some of my favourite photographs.

King Cheetah.

Drying His Wings.

Lion Roar.

Zebra Scratching It's Back.

Lilac Breasted Roller

7 1/2 Legged Spider.

Joy came to me one day and said, ''You can do photography in the college, you know?'' I was so happy! Photography courses weren't on offer at my college in Hereford. So I applied for a Level 3 Diploma in Creative Media Production which included Graphic Design, Film Making and Photography. I was already building my own portfolio and I got an offer of a place on the course. I also applied for and got an interview for a HND in Photography.... I never thought I'd be accepted but went anyway. I was asked to look at three photographs and use photographic language to explain the one I liked the most. I had also taken my portfolio to show my work to the co-ordinator.
I was accepted on the FT HND Photography in Lurgan Campus of Southern Regional College and started in September 2012.